Every Wednesday.
Feel Good Factor Gardening Group
With opportunities for local people to come together and learn and share gardening skills at our Louis Street Community Garden.
Our gardening group meets every Wednesday from 10.30am-12.00pm come rain or shine – just drop in. Depending upon government guidance around social distancing we may also meet via Zoom.
If you have any groups/volunteers who would like to take a proactive role in gardening then come along and join in the fun! You get to take a whole variety of organic fruit, veg and herbs to enhance your cooking.
Some of the things that we have grown in our garden include apples, cabbage, pumpkins, tomatoes, garlic and even hot chillies. Our herb range include, coriander, oregano, mint, thyme, chives, rosemary and lemongrass. Anybody can come an use our garden and what we grow. We have a lovely bench area should you want to have your lunch or a quiet read.
Workshop activities depending on the season include; growing fruit trees and bushes, containers and raised beds, wildlife gardening; growing vegetables, preserving jams and chutneys and basic garden design.
For information contact Soo:
Soo Taylor
Community Wellbeing Worker/Enhance Development and Support Worker
Tel no: 0113 3504200
Mobile: 07702 869453
Email: soo@fgfleeds.org